
My Flesh - Day After Day

I still stand in amazement... I pray and I wait...and then... I don't see it...not with my eyes I keep forgetting it's YOU... Ten years later, it's so not me... It's ALL about You I'm driving and hoping... It's getting late and I'm looking I'm almost disappointed... Nothing yet...says my flesh And then...perfect timing THERE YOU ARE In my mind's eye, I can't decide... The Holy Spirit speaks... Gently, quietly...nudging me... There beloved...right there... Then HE speaks... Not me, but Him speaking through me I'm disappointed no longer BUT TRULY AMAZED Then WOW...All You Do it again LORD, please... The next day... The pain in my back The flesh just not wanting to.... But the Spirit...His Spirit... Gently, quietly...nudging me... There HE GOES AGAIN Using spite of my fears In spite of my flesh... Absolutely incredible… Do it again my Lord, please... Please.